
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fangirl Dream Night!

Hello my friends!!

 I simply don't think I could be more excited to write tonight's blog....because this is the story one of the best nights of my life!!

So lets start by saying this: whether you realize it or not, everyone is a "fangirl" of something or someone. Maybe it's sports players, movie stars, politicians, models, Soap stars, or in this case..... Big Brother Season 15 Houseguests! :)

Everyone has that one (or more) person in their head that if they were to ever meet them face to face...they wouldn't know what to do. This happened to me on Tuesday night and I will be forever greatful!

So most of you already know this, but my favorite person in the Big Brother house this summer was Amanda Zuckerman. Her entire time in the house when some people were falling in love with her and others were highly confused :) I completely understood this girl. The reasons she said things, the reactions she had with certain situations, I totally "got" it! The icing on the cake for me was when she totally fell in love with McCrae when she least expected it! To see their relationship blossom and to realize (before they did I think) that their love was real and not just a showmance! I will forever be a McCranda fan! I was SO excited when the show was over and they all took to their twitter accounts to get to know their fans, thank everyone for their support and kept the spotlight into their lives for us, (who were now dealing with Live Feeds withdrawals!) One thing that the people that just watched the show will NEVER know is how kind, generous and down to earth this girl actually is! During the past few months of twitter conversations, live twitcam sessions and listening to interviews, the anticipation to meet Amanda in person just kept building!

Then came my love for Gina Marie!! I liked her on the show and on the live feeds first off! I thought she was hilarious and had the loyalty card for sure but what didn't show as much as it should have was her HUGE heart!! This girl spent her thanksgiving weekend showing up at the doorsteps of her biggest fans to thank them for their support and show them love! She's always ready to help someone out or go to an event to support someone, and did I mention that she just dropped her first single! She's a rockstar!  I have been wanting to meet her for some time now and our first meeting will never be beat!!

You can imagine how excited I was to hear that Amanda was traveling here to New York for business. The first thing that went through my head when I found out she was headed this way was totally, oh my gosh! Maybe her and Gina Marie will get together and have some sort of fan event to meet the fans, and oh my gosh maybe it could be me and holy crap, can I hunt them down? I know...crazy right?! But that's the inner voice of a fangirl.. Whenever either of them gets noticed somewhere and fans approach them for pictures they are excited and SO nice to their fans, so I knew that if I found out where they were going it wouldn't be a big deal to go see them!

I was bummed out when the day came that they were together, running errands, hanging out and having fun and I was working late and couldn't go to the places they were tweeting for people to come see them! So after a TON of my amazing friends (thanks guys) tweeted both of them asking what they were doing that night, telling them they needed to meet the SoapNanny, etc... I finally found out via Amanda tweeting us that they'd be in times square the following night for a fashion show that GM was in and Amanda assured me that she'd be there!

That was IT! I was FINALLY going to meet these amazing women.. (yes...there was lots of fangirl squealing...some of my friends received a little video of excitement too!) :)

So I arranged with my Makeup Artist friend Amanda (Whom I will refer to as AP for confusions sake) to come with me for a night out on the town and I prayed that things would work out and Amanda would be there!!

After a full day of work with my silly babies, AP and I got on the train (after a hair and makeup session of course) and headed to NYC! We got to the Bar where it was being held a little early so we headed straight for the bar! I decided I needed a couple of shots to calm myself down (who was I trying to kid..that wasn't going to happen!) So I kept tweeting my McCranda pals that she wasn't here yet and oh my gosh, what if she didn't come! LOL..

The show was about to start and AP had been staking out a seat for us, so it was time to get ready for the action! As the show was starting there were a pack of photographers at the end of the runway that was also blocking the entrance to upstairs. I was worried that when Amanda came up, she wouldn't be able to get to where she could see GM walk I had AP scoot over a little bit just incase we needed the space. NOW.. Not in my wildest dreams did I think she would sit with us..but I guess that was the theme of the night because when it was GM's turn to walk the runway the insanity in my heart started!

She headed down the runway to some fun music and DAMN, that girl has some modeling moves for sure! She took control of that room and everyone was screaming for her.. including a voice that I recognized.. So I looked to my left and SAW miss Amanda Zuckerman with her head above some of the photographers and when she saw me looking she SMILED so big, started waving at me and my heart fluttered! She recognized ME from across the room! DEAD. So GM did her thing by the photographers and all of a sudden instead of walking all the way back down the runway she made a little pitstop and came to me and SAT on my lap, hugged me and kept right on walking in beat with the song and everything! I had no idea what had just happened and I was sooo pumped because AP got it all recorded on her phone but THEN I look up and Amanda had crossed over the photographers and suddenly SHE was in my lap too!! bahahaha! She started dancing to the music (lady do you NOT dance to it) and then she was standing up again dancing when GM grabbed her hand and took her to the runway as well! They start dancing and trotting around to the music! I could NOT believe what had just happened!! I was all worried that I'd feel stupid going up to her and introducing myself well, the both of them took care of that part for me! LOL!

So as GM finished up with the show and had more group pictures taken with the models, Amanda came back over to me, we hugged and I squealed a few times...but you know what? She did too!!! I can't speak for her but I'm pretty sure she was pretty pumped that one of her biggest fans came to see her! :)

Now, lets back up a little and explain to you all WHY this seemed so crazy to me.. These two women spent ALL Summer in a house with hundreds of cameras on them, no outside contact and no privacy...the bathroom door didn't even lock! LOL! The crazy thing is..a lot of us saw A LOT of what went on in there.. So much so that meeting them in person feels crazy because you picture them making the same facial expressions to the other houseguests like you saw on camera, and stuff like that...but it was AMAZING at the same time because I already felt like I knew them. Become a live feeder next year, you'll understand! :)

The really cool thing about Amanda and I coming face to face was the reaction people around us gave. This really nice girl sitting next to me (turns out to be a fashion blogger and a Big Brother fan) She was like, Oh you know Amanda? I was like yeah.. Yes I do! LOL. Then when Amanda came over and we hugged and squealed and immediately started chatting, the girl was like Wait?! You're JUST meeting for the first time?! No way!! It seemed like you guys were old friends!! That was the cool part...It felt like we were buddies right away!

So we all know that I'm WELL versed in fan events and meeting celebs of ALL levels. Usually if at an event like this, you go up to them, get a picture maybe an autograph, chat for a few minutes and then go your separate ways. That was kind of what I was expecting, but that sure as heck isn't what happened. From the moment after we squealed until hours later when we left, it was just like we were with a group of girlfriends out at a club! I ran to the bar and got her a drink, she put her stuff with mine at our seat and we basically just set up shop for the night! I was introduced to Gina Marie's mom and a couple of their friends, we all danced together and even jammed out to GM's song that the DJ played after we talked Amanda into going up there and asking for it! LOL!

For a little while GM was busy with the models and fashion show people so I had some time with Amanda to really sit down and talk to her! It was pretty much amazing. I was able to thank her (and McCrae) for the amazing friendships I have now because of them! There are some pretty incredible people that I talk to EVERYDAY on either twitter, texting or phone calls that I met just by being a McCranda fan and supporting their love and their relationship as well as the amazing people that they really are! She asked about my life and what I was doing in NYC. A little about our childhoods and early adulthood. The different jobs we've had and a lot of our similar interests, we actually have a TON in common and we're the same age too! That may have played a factor in the familiarity that I felt. She was even totally willing to do a few short shoutouts to my McCranda girls on video!! She LOVED it too.. I think! :)

We talked a little about other houseguests and the big brother game in general and how long I've been watching. When I told her this was my first season being a Live Feeder, she hid her head in her hands and laughed while apologizing for the things that I must have seen! LOL! Oh how she cracks me up!

When someone wanted a picture with her, she'd take one with just as much excitement as the last. When she needed to go say hi to someone, she'd go....but she always came back because we were her home base for the night!

Amanda had gone to dinner and hung out with Eric and Jon from Reality Recaps before the show so that was pretty exciting when she introduced us because I REALLY enjoy their interviews and their love for our Girls! They LOVE Gina Marie too!!! So we all danced, drank and were silly for quite some time! At one point GM had gone to change her clothes and when she returned the real dancing started! I had gone to the bathroom and came back to find GM in the middle of the walkway and decided I'd go up behind her and dance and they both LOVED that!! Screaming and all excited that the crazy SoapNanny was having a great time!!

This entire night exceeded my expectations and wildest dreams! These two girls are so down to earth, love to have a great time and they both care SO MUCH for the people who support them. Amanda said to me, Without all of you....I would be nothing.. Which we ALL know that isn't true...but it sure was nice of her to say!!

We ended the night with more photos being taken and squeals of joy, laughter and love happening all around!! When I realized it was almost 1am and a Wednesday morning...I decided I should head back home to start work in a few hours!

I want to thank Gina Marie and Amanda for SUCH an incredible experience! I love you girls so much.. sometimes when you meet someone it just makes sense, and you two are some of those people for me! You know I'll support you always...and always in for a good time!!

I'm thinking a trip to FL soon would be a fun idea!! LOL!

I hope you all enjoyed my experience almost as much as I did, whether you are just reading about it now, or you were some of the fun people following my every move, tweet or picture that evening!!

Thanks for reading guys!




  1. Wow! This was a great blog! I am so happy that you came to my show and got to meet both Gina and Amanda ! I hope you enjoyed it. You see more footage on my page and@dramatizon via instagram
    Thanks for coming out and writing this awesome blog.
    Tawni Michelle

  2. @tawni You are quite welcome! It was an amazing show!!!!! I will definitely be following your career!!!

  3. Wow, how weird is this!!!! Here I am, just a normal, 57 year old gal that happens to LOVE LOVE Big Brother and my favs were the same as yours, Gina Marie and Amanda! So while on GM's wall, I find she had posted your blog, so I go in to read it. I was so into your story, I actually felt like I was right there with you. Oh boy, I wish I had been! LOL.....So I read the whole thing and please know, I am not real big on these blog things, so have no idea how they work, who all reads them, and if I am even going to be able to post what I am writing right now. After reading about your wonderful night out with AP, Amanda and GM, I hit the back button and find you wrote a few more times and click on the next one down. I'm reading the one where you had gone home for the holidays and come to the part where you live in Washington State, and I am thinking, wow, how cool is this, I live in Washington as well....but then I get to the part about where you went for lunch! Hmmmm, I don't know how many Mastheads there are out there, but I do know that one of my favorite places to eat is also the Masthead, and I have lived in LV for over 30 years! I now live in Kalama, but still eat there all the time. I want you to know that I have enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to do so. For you to just go out and experience life is something I have wanted to do my whole life, but I ended up wasting 20 years with my ex-husband, who ended up leaving me about 5 years ago, but wont go into that! You keep doing what you do girl! I wish I was still young enough to be able to join you on your adventures! You are a great writer as well, and have an awesome way of telling your tale. I look forward to your next adventure <3

  4. Thank you so much..I actually found a pic of the moment that Gina Marie came up to you during the show and hugged was awesome to see it. It is in my album "winter Jack Frost and Snow Queen" on my fan page and you can see other stuff I have done with here there, or @dramatizon via instagram.
