
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Who are we living our life for??

Hi friends,

I know it's been wayyy too long since I've blogged and I should do a review of ALL the incredible things I've been doing the last few months but I have something else weighing on my heart and my mind tonight and I really just need a place to vent.. So I promise to catch you all up on the AMAZING life of The SoapNanny sometime soon, but tonight is a more personal note. 

I have a question...WHO do you life YOUR life for? Do you live the life you were taught was the thing you are supposed to do? Do you live the life that came the easiest without difficult obstacles? Well.. here's the life that I lead...

I wake up every morning and the first thing I do is thank my lord and savior that I woke up another day. Then I thank him for this life that I have the honor of living...
But right after I thank God, I make a promise to myself...EVERY. DAY. 
I promise myself that I will take this day and make it the most amazing day possible. If that means that I show more patience with the girls, or have a smile on my face for the westchester moms that don't show the same to me, or going to a soap opera fan event with my friends, OR that may simply include taking a two hour drive after work blasting my country music with the windows taking in the beautiful New York Suburb scenery just grateful for life! 

I try to live my life like we aren't guaranteed tomorrow....because we're not.

Now.. having said all that, there are A LOT of people that think the way I live my life is silly. I'm almost 28, not married, no kids, and haven't lived in the same city or state for more than a couple years my entire adult life... BUT GUESS WHAT?! 

Contrary to popular belief, we weren't all made the same. We don't have the same desires in our hearts, or abilities in our bodies. For instance... I LOVE HOT WEATHER!! (Which is partly why I loved Phoenix so much).. but a have a ton of friends that freak out when it gets warmer than 85 and could never handle it..

Well the same thing applies in my ability to live away from my family and childhood friends.. We aren't all made the same. Not all of us can live in the same city our entire lives without leaving.. (Note, I'm NOT bashing those of you who have never left...I'm just not made that way)

Some of you know that I didn't have the ideal childhood...I've experienced more pain than some people realize and don't need to know about, and I'm not going to explain further on that subject BUT just know that when I left Washington for the first time in 2008, I didn't know if I could do it...but I knew that I had to.

I had no idea what I would find in Phoenix, but guess what I realized...I had never TRULY had simple HAPPINESS until I left my hometown. I left that pain, I left the hurt, I left the bad reputations, I left the holes in my heart, I left the darkness...

I lived in Phoenix for almost three years and then moved home for what I thought was going to be a nanny position for my nephew (that ended up falling through but I was already back in washington) I tried SO HARD to find that happiness again and it just wasn't there. I ended up moving back to Phoenix a year to the DAY I had left! :)

Now, I feel like I need to explain my definition of Happiness.... My happy, The Summer Kay HAPPY...includes feeling the sunshine in your soul. Waking up with not only a smile on your face but a purpose of greatness in your heart. Being so completely excited to live your life that you make people roll their eyes at your exuberant attitude! Whether you are driving alone in your car or meeting new people in the supermarket, mall or baseball practice.. you SHINE with LOVE of your life! THAT my is Happy!

Please notice that all of this HAPPY is about YOU! It's about loving who YOU are.. It's not about Boyfriends, jobs, financial status, material things, but about YOU and the way you look at life. 

I know this blog is completely ALL over the place and thank you for reading even though it's a mess...but I really just needed to get these thoughts down. 

I was made to feel guilty about the way I live my life, tonight. Some of my family back home just doesn't understand why I'm so happy living in New York (or Phoenix) and not back home where they think I belong. Why don't I come visit more? Why do I have to live across the country? 

My answer: Because I CAN! I'm 27, not married, not kids, and don't need to take care of my parents yet...I have no responsibilities (accept my credit card debt, car payment, and other stuff).. I have no mortgage, no rent, no HOA to pay.. it's just ME. This is the time of my life to be SELFISH.. If I don't do it now, then it will never be done and then I wouldn't be living MY life to the fullest, right?!

Every heart has different desires... 
Do I want to get married? YES! In fact, I pretty much have the wedding planned (please insert groom)
Do I want to be a mom? Absolutely, with or without the husband..

Do I want to settle down and establish roots? the house, the dog, the white picket fence??? It's my biggest lifes DREAM to make that happen..and I believe that it will...when it's supposed to.

I spent a half hour today on the phone with my Dad, defending how I life my life, why I go on trips to Boston, Nashville, Pennsylvania, Jersey...What I spend my money on, Why I don't come visit more...and then it dawned on me.. WHY am I doing this? THIS is MY life! 

I love my Job... but it's a TOUGH job!
I work extremely hard, sometimes VERY long hours...
I deserve to go do fun things on my time off, and I will go do them. 

Despite how it may seem.. i DO enjoy going home to visit my friends and family and wish I could do it more.. but flying across the country for a weekend visit just isn't very practical very often! 
In fact when I found out yesterday that I am going to have a four day weekend next weekend, the FIRST thing I did was check the flight prices to see if I could make it work.. (If you don't know the 4th of July is THE BEST weekend to be in Longview, WA.) But it's just too expensive right now...
It was MUCH easier to do that when I lived in Phoenix and that will happen again soon. 
 So I guess I've said all that to say this... I love my family and friends with every bone in my body, BUT I love ME too. I love being able to have this time of my life to be on this grand adventure that I never pictured myself doing.. I mean I randomly went to Central Park and read my book under a tall shady tree last weekend (What kid from L-town, WA has the chance to do that?)... 

I will never apologize for who I am, or how I life my life. 

I love my God, I love my family and I love who I am becoming...

Please be proud of who you are and love the life that you are living.. we only get ONE shot at this.. I think we owe it to ourselves to LOVE the time we get on this earth!!!

Thanks for listening to my babbling... I feel better now!!

I better go to bed... The baby will wake up soon! (I'm working 48 extra hours this weekend!) :)

Until Next Time, 

Summer Kay!



  1. You're an inspiration Summie! I would love to live my life the way you do. And don't get caught up in the "I can't believe you aren't married with kids yet" comments. I get them too and I'm older than you are. Hang in there girl. Love you and can't wait to see you in October!

  2. Brava. I'll have to tell you about my 20's some day!! didn't marry until 30 and here I sit, years later SO HAPPY I did what I did when I could :)

  3. So very proud of you my Summer. I go through these same exact feelings every single day and get the same stuff from my family as well. Its hard to swallow and it puts a damper on my heart but I've learned to know that what I am doing is right for me and I know you feel that same way. I love you very much and I really want to be so much like you!
